National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Automated Monitoring and Management of Hybrid Broadband Networks

Internet Over Broadband Hybrid Networks

High Data Rate Satellite Networks and NASA Missions

Modulation, Coding and Interference Cancellation in Satellite and Hybrid Networks

Hybrid Network Control

Satellite Traffic Modeling and On-Board Switch Design

Modeling, Simulation and Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Networks

Automated Monitoring and Management of Hybrid Broadband Networks

Multi-Point Communication Networks / Ad Hoc Networks


Develop intelligent monitoring systems for satellite and hybrid network fault and performance management. Develop schemes for efficient storage and aggregation of massive network monitoring data. Develop network management systems for NASA networks and space communication systems using commercial satellites. Develop autonomous intelligent network management and control systems for complex spacecraft. Develop scalable, self-healing network management architectures, algorithms and software implementations


Not available.


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John Baras, Nicholas Roussopuoulos

Send questions or comments about this web site to the Center for Satellite and Hybrid Communication Networks, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland.