
You can download current and past releases here, as they become available. This distribution is offered under the BSD license.

A list of Changes between versions is also available.

File Version Release Date Size
atemu-0.4.tar.gz 0.4 03/31/2004 286 K
atemu-0.3.tar.gz 0.3 02/01/2004 236 K
atemu-0.2.1.tar.gz 0.2.1 12/05/2003 215 K
atemu-0.2.tar.gz 0.2 12/04/2003 214 K
atemu-0.1.1.tar.gz 0.1.1 10/29/2003 136 K
atemu-0.1.tar.gz 0.1 10/28/2003 135 K

To build this distribution, untar it in the directory of your choice, then cd into the directory. Next run './configure' followed by 'make', and optionally 'make install'. './configure --help' may give additional options you are interested in.

Additional Cygwin build notes are also available.

This distribution requires:

And we recommend: