Lige Yu

PhD-Electrical and Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation:December 2006

Research Interests

Wireless communication networks, specifically on wireless sensor networks, including:
Performance tradeoffs in wireless sensor networks
Investigated the tradeoff between detection accuracy and energy consumption for wireless sensor networks performing event detection mission, assessed the performance of various detection schemes, and examined the robustness of the system (Allerton 03, MOBWISER 04)

Detection schemes for wireless sensor networks
Developed a distributed sequential detection scheme and compared its performance regarding energy-accuracy tradeoff with the non-sequential detection scheme (HICSS 06)

Cross-Layer interaction/optimization design
Demonstrated the interaction between multiple layers (hardware, physical, MAC, network, application) in wireless sensor networks and analyzed the impact of cross-layer interaction on system optimization and design (submitted to Journal)

Energy efficiency investigation
Proposed an energy-driven hybrid detection scheme that can save energy with a guaranteed detection accuracy, and validated its energy efficiency by comparing to the traditional detection schemes (submitted to IPSN 06)


  • L. Yu and A. Ephremides, “Detection Performance and Energy Efficiency Trade-off in a Sensor Network,” Proc. of 2003 Allerton Conference, Allerton, IL, October 2003.
  • L. Yu and A. Ephremides, “Detection, Energy, and Robustness in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proc. of MOBWISER, Singapore, March 2004.
  • L. Yu and A. Ephremides, “Detection Performance and Energy Efficiency of Sequential Detection in a Sensor Network,” Proc. of HICSS’06, Hawaii, January 2006.
  • L. Yu, L. Yuan, G. Qu, and A. Ephremides, “Energy-Driven Detection Scheme with Guaranteed Accuracy,” submitted to IPSN’06, Nashville, TN, April 2006.
  • L. Yu and A. Ephremides, “Cross-Layer Interaction in Wireless Sensor Networks for Event Detection,” submitted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications.


    Contact Information

    Adress:Institute for Systems Research
    2364 A.V.Williams Building
    University of Maryland
    College Park, MD 20742
    Tel no.:240-271-3364