Source Coding with Limited Time Horizon Side Information at the Decoder

Speaker: Dr. Tsachy Weissman, Stanford University
Abstract: We characterize the rate distortion function for the source coding with decoder side information setting when the ith reconstruction symbol is allowed to depend only on the first i+d side information symbols, for some finite time horizon d, in addition to the index from the encoder. For the case of causal side information, i.e., d=0, we find that the penalty of causality is the omission of the subtracted mutual information term in the Wyner-Ziv rate distortion function. When specialized to the near-lossless case, our results characterize the best achievable rate for the Slepian-Wolf source coding problem with limited time horizon side information, and have some surprising implications. For example, we find that for any finite d, side information is useless when the joint pmf of the source and side information satisfy the positivity condition p(x,y) >0 for all (x,y). Joint work with Abbas El Gamal
Biography: Tsachy Weissman received his B.Sc. (Summa Cum Laude) and Ph.D. degrees, both in electrical engineering from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, in 1997 and 2001, respectively. During the fall semester of 2001-2002 he was a lecturer at the Technion Electrical Engineering Department. In 2002-2003 he was with the Information Theory research group at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories and with the Statistics Department at Stanford. He is currently an assistant professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford and a consultant to the Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Information Theory research group. Prof. Weissman's research interests span information theory and statistical signal processing. He is a recipient of the Clore Foundation Award, the Intel Prize, the Viterbi scholarships for doctoral and postdoctoral studies, and the Rothschild foundation scholarship for postdoctoral studies. He is currently a Robert N. Noyce Faculty Scholar of the Stanford University School of Engineering.
Presented On: Friday, November 11, 2005