Magness¹, +31 71 565 5481
Plancke, +31 71 565 3693
Inma Hernandez, +31 71 565 3512
Chris Plummer,
ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2200AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Cotectic Ltd.
Keywords: Wireless Data Handling, Wireless Sensor Network, Harness Reduction, Onboard Data Handling, Smart Sensors, Optical Wireless, RF Wireless, In-situ Instruments, Microprobes, Planetary Science Instruments, Robotics Communications, Mobility, ESTEC Wireless Working Group
I Introduction
The advantages of
many commercial data communications technologies applied to aerospace are
becoming increasingly evident. Thus, ESA is increasingly looking to COTS technologies,
commercial and/or international standards, such as IEEE, as a basis for long-term
data handling solutions. Input from the space and commercial wireless industries,
and academia to the ESTEC sponsored “Wireless Data Communications Onboard
Spacecraft Workshop” of April 2003, plus investigations of ESA TOS-EDD and
the Wireless Onboard S/C WG activities and sub-group activities over the last
year provide the basis for this paper.
II Working Group Background
The full Wireless
OB S/C Working Group was established immediately following the 1st
Wireless Data Communications Onboard Spacecraft -- Applications and Technologies Workshop, held at ESTEC in
April 2003. Current membership consists of 36 members and 45 observers. The
Working Group meets three times per year, with additional sub-group meetings
held as needed.
Conclusions from the 2003 Workshop
ESA has defined a
roadmap presented at the First Wireless Onboard Spacecraft Working Group Meeting,
9-10 December 2003. Future immediate plans are to pursue both IEEE 802.15.4
for a wireless S/C sensor network and Bluetooth in a more traditional S/C
TM-TC data handling application developed to at least a Flight Model (FM)
level. ESA shall be actively pursuing having these technologies ready for
a flight opportunity as soon as early 2007. Future long-term plans may include
IEEE 802.11/a/b/g for space adaptation, as the IEEE 802 family coupled with
the IP suite facilitates a relatively seamless architecture over multiple
PHY layers, a common management heritage and potentially very good end-to-end
An ESTEC TOS-E Technology
Dossier entitled “Wireless Onboard Spacecraft and in Space Exploration” is
currently being prepared. The largest portion of this Dossier will focus on
COTS wireless technologies, software and the application of several commercial
standards, including IEEE wireless standards, the IP suite and serve as a
cornerstone document for ESA in European Space’s first generation of modern,
robust COTS wireless-based space solutions.
Current WG Activities
Several specific WG tasks and task groups were identified during the December 2003 WG meeting.
WG Task T-0
Application Case Scenarios, including:
Domains: Automotive,
Medical, Industrial, Aerospace, and others
COTS Standards:
Irda, IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.11a/b/g…, Bluetooth, Ultra-wideband, and others