Networking – Solving the Quality of Service (QoS) Challenge for IP Coverged
Mike Raymond
Practical Use of the Internet
Protocol to Command Satellites and Payloads
Lloyd Wood
Cisco Systems
Work with CLEO, the Cisco router in Low Earth Orbit, and with
the Disaster Monitoring Constellation built by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd,
has shown how the Internet Protocol can be successfully used for satellite
platforms and for payload communications. This work validates and builds on
Keith Hogie et al's earlier demonstration work on SSTL's UoSAT-12, using the
simple architectural approach outlined in [1]. Reasons why this architectural
approach is compelling and useful are discussed.
[1] K. Hogie, E. Criscuolo and R. Parise, Using standard
Internet Protocols and applications in space, Computer Networks, special issue
on Interplanetary Internet, vol. 47 no. 5, pp. 603-650, April 2005.
A Systemic View to the Nature of Mobility
Connectivity in Space and Implications on
Design of Space Network Protocol
Prepared As a part of
NASA Faculty Fellowship Program
August 2005 by:
By NASA Fellow
Dr. Javed I. Khan
Media Communications and Networking Research Lab
Department of Computer Science
Kent State
University, Kent OH 44242
along with
NASA Colleagues
Brenda L. Ellis, Larry McFarland, and Chuck Putt
Office of the CIO
Computational Environments Branch
Glenn Research Center
21000 Brookpark
Road, MS 142-1
Ohio 44135
Phone: (216) 433-5214
What if the righteous place to implement
“hop-and-forward” mechanism is in the network layer but not at application or
transport layer? Is it possible
that congestion is an earthly phenomena- byproduct of human freewill and hardly
be an issue in cold lifeless space until it is deeply colonized? Can one
conceive a space routing protocol which will require zero inter-router
communication and still route packets with absolute precision? In this report we
examine the technical nature of the notion of ‘mobility’ and ‘connectivity’ in
the context of space networking and seek answers to the questions like
Support for
the Internet Paradigm in the Transformational Satellite Communications System
Carl Sunshine
The Aerospace
TSAT is being designed to provide a combination of circuit
and packet communications services for mobile and deployed military users in the
next decade. TSAT will extend Internet technology into space, with
attention to the extra security, endurance, and priority requirements necessary
in a military environment. The briefing will summarize the baseline
Government Reference Architecture for the system, with emphasis on meeting the
challenges of extending the Internet architecture into a military space
Getting to Lunar Sorties: The Need
for IP Protocols and Industrial-Strength Solutions for Near-Term Lunar Human
Mission Goals
Stephen Braham,
Simon Fraser University PolyLAB, Vancouver, Canada
Internetworking Over SpaceWire:
Design of a Non-Broadcast Address Resolution Protocol and Encapsulation Service
Sandra G. Dykes,
Robert Klar, Allison Roberts, Buddy Walls, Mark A. Johnson, Kristian
robert.klar, allison.roberts, buddy.walls, mark.johnson,
Southwest Research
6220 Culebra Rd., San Antonio TX, 210.522.3329
Standard communication protocols and existing OS network stacks can
reduce software development time, cost, and errors. For this reason,
spacecraft onboard communication systems are gradually moving from
shared bus architectures to switched networks and standard protocols.
Ethernet is the dominant switched network technology on Earth, and is
one contender for the space environments. In Ethernet, the switches are
responsible for link-layer broadcasts. To avoid forwarding loops, the
switches must continuously learn network topology and build a minimum
spanning tree for message delivery. However, these algorithms add
complexity and circuitry which increases mass and power requirements.
SpaceWire, a recent ESA standard, is gaining popularity because of its
simple circuitry, low power consumption, and high-link speed. Although
SpaceWire has many advantages, it lacks a link-layer broadcast
mechanism. Broadcasts are necessary to support automatic network
configuration and discovery software such as the Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Address
resolution tables and host IP addresses are manually configured on
SpaceWire networks. Moreover, the SpaceWire standard does not yet
specify a method for supporting multiple upper layer protocols such as
This presentation will describe the design of a link-layer
broadcast service and an encapsulation service for
The encapsulation service provides a message multiplexing /
demultiplexing functionality that enables multiple higher-layer
protocols to operate over the same physical link. Implementing this
service in the host driver software enables SpaceWire to automatically
and simultaneously support IPv4, IPv6 and CCSDS SCPS-NP protocol
stacks, as well as high-performance custom applications that interface
directly to the driver.
Our link-layer broadcast mechanism is implemented at the hosts rather
than at the SpaceWire routers. The design is compliant with the
SpaceWire specification and can be implemented solely within the driver
software. No changes are required to the SpaceWire specification,
routers, or host interface hardware. The algorithm introduces the
concept of a SpaceWire subnet, which consists of a router and its
directly connected hosts. The advantage of this approach is that it
avoids configuration by using either SpaceWire port addressing or its
packet distribution mechanism.
We believe the ability of our protocols to simplify network management
and to support IP and other higher-layer protocols is an important step
forward and will lead to more rapid adoption of SpaceWire for future
Space OSPF - Shortest Delay Intermittent Pathway Routing With Mobile Routers
Nouman Bantan & Javed I. Khan
Internetworking and Media Communications Research Laboratories
Department of Computer Science, Kent State University
233 MSB, Kent, OH 44242 USA
nbantan@cs.kent.edu & javed@kent.edu
OSPF routing protocol has powerful scalability and stability features
because of its ability to divide routing domain into areas and messages
into short on-demand link state messages. Recently, we have proposed a
space version of OSPF routing called Space OSPF. This protocol is
capable of handling intermittent paths and model-based router mobility
in addition to its powerful scalability features. It can compute
shortest delay paths over conventional concurrent link based pathways as
well as on intermittent non-concurrent link based pathways for
store-and-forward communication. In this paper we will present the
performance of this new protocol in real space scenarios. It
dramatically improves on several other routing algorithms proposed for
space with near optimum routing performance.
learned using Flight IP on moderate fidelity testbed with Radhard Cisco
Greg Menke
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center
Hugh Arif
Global Defense, Space
and Security Group
Cisco Systems,
NASA Goddard
Spaceflight Center has many initiatives exploring the
use of IP in space missions. One
missing element in the communications chain has been a COTS flight-qualified,
rad-hard IP router. Recognizing
that, Cisco Systems and NASA Goddard teamed to work together in developing a
port of
Cisco's IOS (Internet
Operating System) to a rad-hard platform with widely accepted flight
This paper contains the benchmark and testing results of a
flight-qualified, rad-hard Cisco router acting as the primary communications
interface of a simulated spacecraft with IP as the end-to-end communications
CPU and memory utilization figures are given for clear text
and encrypted space-link communications.
Operational configuration scenarios are discussed and conclusions are
reached about the unique
requirements COTS IP routers must work under when integrated
into spacecraft.
IP For Responsive Microsats – A
Practical Approach
Assi Friedman,
Jeffrey Janicik,
Innoflight Inc.
5850 Oberlin Dr.
Suite 340
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: (858)
Fax: (858) 638-1581
Using Internet Protocols on smallsats started as a grass
roots effort to take advantage of commercial hardware and software and save
development time, money, and reduce risk.
These premises are still exist today within the community. In addition, even though the
primary users of microsats nowadays are government customers (in the
U.S.) the motivation for fast
responsive microsats is inline with the original premises.
There are many
spacecraft tracking stations available for government and commercial
networks in the U.S. yet only few can support IP
operations as a standard feature.
Capitalizing on the benefits that IP can provide to us will come into
play only if we can establish an operational baseline that is cost effective and
easy for spacecraft designers to implement. Using protocol on protocol or unique and
proprietary encoding methods defeats the point as it is as efficient as
designing your own in-house system.
Innoflight has been working on a number of microsat IP
technology solutions that will enable spacecraft builders to purchase COTS IP
enabled hardware and software package for both the ground and flight
segments. This presentation will
describe how Innoflight integrated traditional IP/HDLC with CCSDS standards, and
Type-1 encryption to provide users with secure, high performance IP link between
the spacecraft LAN and the ground segment.
VOIP over Space Networks
C. Okino, W. Kwong, J. Pang, J. Gao, and L. Clare
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
In this work, we examine the use
of off-the-shelf Voice-over-IP (VOIP) for the space environment. Our initial
focus is on VOIP based on open source implementations of the Session Initiation
Protocol SIP (RFC 3261) and the Real Time Protocol RTP (RFC 3550). We also
investigate SIP extensions to enable voice operations in situations where
potentially there is only a simplex link or one direction of the duplex path
suffers a substantial outage during a connection. We examine the use of VOIP
applications for lunar space scenarios. Results are derived using our space
communications testbed, which incorporates underlying space network protocols
and captures channel error and propagation delay effects. We address the impacts
of the unique characteristics and needs of the space environment in the
performance measurements for voice.
Clayton Okino
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 393-6668
Winston Kwong
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 354-5953
Jackson Pang
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 393-0466
Jay Gao
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 354-9528
Loren Clare
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
CA 91109
(818) 354-1650
A Security Model for Space Based
Thom Stone
Computer Sciences
NASA Ames Research Center
M/S 258-6
Field, CA 94035
Raymond Gilstrap,
Kenneth Freeman
NASA Ames Research Center
M/S 258-5
Field, CA 94035
kenneth.freeman-1}@nasa.gov |
As space missions become more complex and interactive the
need for a comprehensive and rigorous security infrastructure becomes obvious.
This framework should include all elements including space assets, ground
systems, and distribution of data products.
Although a myriad of security products and solutions have
been developed recently, a comprehensive, directed methodology for implementing
the correct technologies for space missions has not been developed. Based on our
experience with securing NASA’s supercomputer assets and a high-speed wide area
network we will present the requirements for space mission security. This will
include an overview of current Internet-based security technologies and how they
were assessed for inclusion in the NASA Research and Engineering Network (NREN)
security plan and later implemented. Further discussion will include strategies
for developing a viable security framework, security for onboard payload,
operations in a secure environment and securing data products distributed to a
wide array of off-site and out of agency principal investigators.
A Preferred Service Architecture for Payload Data
Ray Gilstrap
Ken Freeman
Thom Stone
Simulation of Delay-Tolerant Network Protocols in Space
John Segui and Esther
Jet Propulsion
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Ca 91109
John.Segui@jpl.nasa.gov, Esther.Jennings@jpl.nasa.gov
(818) 354 9191, (818)
354 1390
space exploration missions, the coordinated use of spacecraft as communication
relays increases the efficiency of the endeavors. To conduct trade-off studies
of the performance and resource usage of different communication protocols and
network designs, JPL designed a comprehensive extendable tool, the Multi-mission
Advanced Communications Hybrid Environment for Test and Evaluation (MACHETE).
The design and development of MACHETE began in 2000 and is constantly evolving.
Currently, MACHETE contains Consultative Committee for Space
Data Systems (CCSDS) protocol standards such as Proximity-1, Advanced Orbiting
Systems (AOS), Packet Telemetry/Telecommand, Space Communications Protocol
Specification (SCPS), and the CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP). MACHETE uses
the Aerospace Corporation’s Satellite Orbital Analysis Program (SOAP) to
generate the orbital geometry information and contact opportunities. Matlab
scripts provide the link characteristics. At the core of MACHETE is a discrete
event simulator, QualNet.
Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) is an end-to-end architecture
providing communication in and/or through highly stressed networking
environments. Stressed networking environments include those with intermittent
connectivity, large and/or variable delays, and high bit error rates. To provide
its services, the DTN protocols reside at the application layer of the
constituent internets, forming a store-and-forward overlay network. The key
capabilities of the bundling protocols include custody-based reliability,
ability to cope with intermittent connectivity, ability to take advantage of
scheduled and opportunistic connectivity, and late binding of names to
In this presentation, we report on the addition of MACHETE
models needed to support DTN, namely: the Bundle Protocol (BP) model. To
illustrate the use of MACHETE with the additional DTN model, we provide an
example simulation to benchmark its performance. We demonstrate the use of the
DTN protocol and discuss statistics gathered concerning the total time needed to
simulate numerous bundle transmissions.
Sparse, Mobile Ad hoc Networks with Strong Physical Layer
Graphics, Inc.
Bandwidth Allocation for a
Relay Network
Hui Zeng*, Michael Hadjitheodosiou &
John S. Baras
HyNet, Institute for Systems Research
University of Maryland,
MD 20742
We focus on the allocation of bandwidth in a space relay
network that supports several scientific spacecraft with a number of different
streams on-board sharing a broadband satellite channel to send traffic to the
ground. Our system model includes a number of mobile spacecraft (MS) in Lower
Earth Orbit (LEO), a Geo-synchronous (GEO) relay satellite, and the ground
network consisting of several ground stations (GS). The downlink channel of the
relay satellite is shared by these spacecraft, which we model as streams with
different priority levels going through a common queue and a router. The data
will be delivered to the ground station through this relay.
It is shown that a carefully designed time-varying bandwidth
allocation based on the instant or statistical traffic from all users/flows
performs better in terms of throughput and end-to-end delay. However, only
short-term (time varying) bandwidth allocation may cause instability and will
have difficulties in providing QoS guarantees and managing the long-term
(average) behavior of all the users/flows. Hence, we propose a two-level
bandwidth allocation in our implemented TDMA scheme. For a well-coupled
framework with per user/flow average bandwidth management, we derive our
long-term bandwidth allocation problem from the model discussed by Kelly, and
draw some ideas from some other work. In addition, for instantaneous bandwidth
management, we incorporate ideas from some recent work to formulate the
short-term timeslot assignment problem and find the solution for optimal
timeslot scheduling.
By using simulation, the performance of a suitable MAC
protocol with two-level bandwidth allocation is analyzed and compared with that
of the existing static fixed-assignment scheme in terms of ETE delay and
successful throughput. We also study the fairness among all the users under a
special scenario and find that the pseudo-proportional fairness is achieved for
our hybrid protocol.
*Corresponding Author:
Hui Zeng
HyNet, Institute for System Research,
A.V. Williams Building, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
of Commercial Wireless Networking Technology in Simulated Martian
Authors: Phillip
DeLeon, Stephen Horan, Deva Borah, et al.
Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM,
Corresponding Author:
Stephen Horan (505-646-3117; shoran@nmsu.edu)
This paper describes a three-part investigation into using
commercial wireless technology to estimate the performance of 802.11-type
networks in an outdoor planetary environment. The specific environment chosen
for the studies is the landing environment of the Mars rovers. The general
technique that has been developed can be applied to any location where
suitably-detailed terrain information is available.
The first phase of the project concerned acquiring
high-resolution terrain data for the candidate landing sites and then making
that data accessible for importation into commercial link planning software. The
link planning software chosen was that used for planning cellular telephone
links. This software uses ray-tracing techniques for radio propagation from a
source to destination and not statistical estimation techniques.
The second phase of the project is to use the terrain data and
the link planning software to obtain RF coverage estimates and power delay
profiles. These estimates are gotten at a number of locations within the
predicted MER landing ellipses to see what variations can be found. The
simulation estimates are validated against measurements made with local terrain
The third phase of the project is to use the link predictions
to estimate the effective performance of 802.11 wireless links in the outdoor
environment. From the terrain data, we obtain estimates of the percent coverage,
expected throughput of 802.11a and 802.11b links, and expected throughput based
on modulation types (PSK-based or OFDM).
This technique can be applied to other terrain environments,
e.g. the lunar environment, if sufficient imaging and terrain composition
details are known to generate the coverage models.
Low Cost Communication for Pico-Satellites – Experience
from the CubeSat UWE-I Mission
Marco Schmidt, Florian
Zeiger, Michael Menth, and Klaus Schilling
January 24, 2005
The pico-satellite UWE-1
(University of
Wuerzburg’s Experimental
Satellite 1) was lau-
nched in the context of
the ESA SSETI-Initiative from the Russian launch site Plesetsk on October 27th,
2005. UWE-1 was built in the scope of the international Cubesat program
initiated by Stanford University and is restricted to a size of
1 dm3 and a mass of up to 1 kg. The pico-satellite is a fully functional but
highly integrated space vehicle. In contrast to normal satellites, a
pico-satellite has relatively hard constraints for energy consumption,
bandwidth, size, and weight. Its topology is based on commercial-of-the-shelf
(COTS) components which makes UWE-1 to an ideal low-cost testbed for software
and hardware. The core consists of a Hitachi H8S processor with a complete Linux
operating system (µClinux). The integration of a Linux operating system provides
a high degree of flexibility in terms of developing mission specific software or
even using free software components. The communication subsystem relies on a
PR430 radio to establish a basic communication link to the ground station using
an amateur radio frequency.
The mission objectives of
the UWE-1 project comprise the test of new solar cells in space
environment as well as
the adaptation and optimization of existing communication technology and
Internet protocols for pico-satellites. We used a modification of the 6pack
protocol for the control of the Terminal Node Controller (TNC) and tuned the
parameters of the AX.25 link layer protocol to maximize the data throughput. We
compared the efficiency of the communication link on earth and in orbit under
different weather conditions and distance.
Thus, we have demonstrated with UWE-1 a proof of concept for a low-cost,
flexible orbital test platform consisting of COTS components which uses
communication protocols conform to Internet standards.
The work explains the
engineering constraints of our low-cost pico-satellite in particular
regarding the
communication part. It shows the adaptation and optimization of the proto-
col layers and a
practical assessment of the quality of the communication channel that we
performed after UWE-1 was
Design of a Fault-Tolerant Satellite
Cluster Link Establishment Protocol
Authors: Stephen Horan and Praveen G.
Affiliation: Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM,
Corresponding Author: Stephen Horan (505-646-3117;
In our previous presentations,
we gave the basic design for a link establishment protocol designed for a
satellite cluster environment. This basic design was for a single cluster of
satellites where channel errors are expected to occur and so the design would
need to allow the cluster to be automatically established even in this error
environment. This basic method was built around a UDP-based protocol developed
at NMSU and programmed in LabVIEW for development and ANSI C for use in the
NASA/GSFC software radio laboratory.
In this paper, we will describe
improvements made over the past year to the initial algorithm. Enhancements made
to this algorithm include
• Utilize multicast messaging to improve channel use
• Permitting cluster members to enter and leave the
• Provide a method to allow new members to join the
• Provide a method to partition the cluster into
smaller partitions of single-hop neighbors, and
• Provide a means for gateways between partitions.
These algorithm enhancements
were made in the same mode as the initial algorithm development: UDP-based
communications protocol, a LabVIEW development environment, and translation to C
for incorporation in the GSFC laboratory.